
 Sonothèques, sons, pièces sonores, cartes sonores, podcasts / Posted 2 ans ago by Marie Popeck / 426 views / Populaire

Pièce sonore inspiré de la chute des neiges dans le grand nord canadien… 🙂

Description de R.M. Schafer :

“As the urban populations of the world grow, the forces and charms of nature are more distanced from increasing numbers or people. But I do not write such works out of nostalgia; they are a very real part of my life… Snowforms began as a series of sketches of snowdrifts, seen out the window of my Monteagle Valley farmhouse. I took these sketches and traced a pentagram over them. The notes of the piece emerged wherever the lines of the sketch and the stave crossed. Of course I modified the drawings as necessary since the work is primarily a piece of music and only secondarily a set of sketches. I printed the work so that the shapes of the snow were white over a pale blue background” – R. Murray Schafer

Writing and music are available from Arcana:

Recordings are available from the Vancouver Chamber Choir:…

  • Listing ID: 3055
  • Auteur-e-s / Crédits: R. Murray Schafer
  • Date de création ; publication: 1981/1983
  • Pistes d'usage / Instructions d'utilisation: Inspiration : Ecrire en musique le paysage sonore
  • Type d'accès / de consultation: Consultation web, Référence
  • Lien de téléchargement ; Lien d'accès:
  • Série / Collection: Aucune