Soundwriting Pedagogies

 Médiathèque / Posted 1 an ago by Gilles Malatray / 324 views / Populaire

The availability of digital tools has made it easier than ever to record and edit sound, and teachers of composition have noticed. We record sonic texts for our students, and we give aural assignments in many genres: audio essays, podcasts, sonic remediations, interviews, radio shows, think-alouds, experimental pieces, and much more. We’re entering an age of soundwriting, where the affordances of sound intersect the pedagogies and practices of writing and rhetoric.

In the chapters that follow, you will find theories, examples, and lots of audio to encourage the use and value of soundwriting in composition, writing, rhetoric, and communications classrooms. Crank it up.

  • Listing ID: 4074
  • Auteur-e-s / Crédits: Courtney S. Danforth, Kyle D. Stedman et Michael J. Faris
  • Date de création ; publication: 2023
  • Pistes d'usage / Instructions d'utilisation: Pédagogie des écritures sonores, multimédia, sites internet
  • Type d'accès / de consultation: Consultation web
  • Lien de téléchargement ; Lien d'accès:
  • Série / Collection: Aucune